Would you like to better express your faith?
Are you willing to speak to people about Jesus but don’t know how?
Join us for a free Evangelism Workshop!
The presenter: The Right Reverend Charlie Masters
Chancellor-Packer College
and Bishop of Evangelism for the Anglican Diocese of Canada
Register Now
We invite you to join for an Evangelism Workshop on April 8-9 at 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Evangelistic Sunday/ Palm Sunday worship on April 13 at 11:00 a.m. at Good Shepherd Church, 677 Niagara Street, St.Catharines. Register by completing the form below and submitting it. You will receive a registration package upon your arrival at the church on April 8 or 9 at1:00 pm.
Download Evangelism Workshop Agenda