
Volunteering at Good Shepherd

It is our hope & encouragement that every member & regular attender is volunteering in at least one area of service.  You don't have to do the same thing each week--serving on 3 or 4 teams would lighten the load for others, while each individual only need do one (different) task each Sunday.

Altar Guild

Altar Guild has the joy, privilege, and responsibility of caring for the sanctuary and the vessels used in worship.  Specifically, they assist the clergy by … Read moreAltar Guild

Sunday School

  Calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, … Read moreSunday School

Prayer Ministry

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.” Colossians 4:2 (NIV) Prayer, the spiritual practice of conversing with God, … Read morePrayer Ministry


The Reader’s Ministry is a wonderful way to be involved in the worship service and participate in what the Spirit can do when God’s Word … Read moreReaders

Sunday Fellowship

Currently happening once per month, we would love to have Fellowship after Worship Service every Sunday. To make that happen, … Read moreSunday Fellowship


Greeters arrive early to welcome the congregation, create an orderly environment, assist during Communion, and keep the sanctuary tidy. Currently, … Read moreGreeters/Ushers

Offertory Counters

A team of dedicated members record the offerings and prepare the bank deposit following each Worship Service.  This is a … Read moreOffertory Counters

Audio Visual

We livestream our Worship Services every Sunday, along with projecting the Order of Service onto a screen. If you’d like … Read moreAudio Visual

Please contact [name] with any questions about volunteering or visit the Getting Connected table after service.

Not sure what your “gifting” (talent) is?  Take the Spiritual Gifts test to help you understand your particular calling: Spiritual Gifts Test